OS X 下卸载 pkg 包

好久没写记录了,昨晚在 OS X 下卸载一堆 pkg 安装的软件包,特意放狗搜了下网络,遂做下记录,免得遗忘。以下所说的只适用于 OS X Yosemite 下,之前的版本不做考虑。


首先,安装的 pkg 软件包,都记录在以下



$ pkgutil -h
Usage: pkgutil [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS] ...

  --help                 Show this usage guide
  --verbose, -v          Show contextual information and format for easy reading
  --force, -f            Perform all operations without asking for confirmation
  --volume PATH          Perform all operations on the specified volume
  --edit-pkg PKGID       Adjust properties of package PKGID using --learn PATH
  --only-files           List only files (not directories) in --files listing
  --only-dirs            List only directories (not files) in --files listing
  --regexp               Try all PKGID arguments as regular expressions

Receipt Database Commands:
  --pkgs, --packages     List all currently installed package IDs on --volume
  --pkgs-plist           List all package IDs on --volume in plist format
  --pkgs=REGEXP          List package IDs on --volume that match REGEXP
  --groups               List all GROUPIDs on --volume
  --groups-plist         List all GROUPIDs on --volume in plist format
  --group-pkgs GROUPID   List all PKGIDs in GROUPID
  --files PKGID          List files installed by the specified package
  --lsbom PKGID          List files in the same format as 'lsbom -s'
  --pkg-groups PKGID     List all GROUPIDs that PKGID is a member of
  --export-plist PKGID   Print all info about PKGID in plist format
  --verify PKGID         Verify file permissions of the specified package
  --repair PKGID         Repair file permissions of the specified package
  --pkg-info PKGID       Show metadata about PKGID
  --pkg-info-plist PKGID Show metadata about PKGID in plist format
  --file-info PATH       Show metadata known about PATH
  --file-info-plist PATH Show metadata known about PATH in plist format
  --forget PKGID         Discard receipt data for the specified package
  --learn PATH           Update --edit-pkg PKGID with actual metadata from PATH

File Commands:
  --expand PKG DIR       Expand the flat package PKG to DIR
  --flatten DIR PKG      Flatten the files at DIR as PKG
  --bom PATH             Extract any Bom files from the pkg at PATH into /tmp
  --payload-files PATH   List the paths archived within the (m)pkg at PATH


pkgutil 的帮助文件已经说明的很清楚了,步骤:

1. 查找下你需要卸载的软件包ID
$ pkgutil --pkgs
2.列出该 pkg 包含的文件列表
$ pkgutil --files PKGID
3. 检查下软件包信息,路径
$ pkgutil --pkg-info PKGID


$ pkgutil --pkg-info com.cmbchina.CMBSecurityPlugin.pkg
package-id: com.cmbchina.CMBSecurityPlugin.pkg
version: 1.0
volume: /
location: Library/Internet Plug-Ins
install-time: 1401513557

从以上我们要获取的信息是,PKGID 为 com.cmbchina.CMBSecurityPlugin.pkg,在根目录 / 下的 Library/Internet Plug-Ins 目录,也就是 /Library/Internet Plug-Ins 目录下,这个下面用得到。

4. 执行删除操作

你当然可以通过 pkgutil --files PKGID 得到的文件列表,手动的去删除,我们还是读软件包的 bom 文件去删除,仍然以招行插件为例:

$ lsbom -fls  /private/var/db/receipts/com.cmbchina.CMBSecurityPlugin.pkg.bom | (cd /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins; sudo xargs rm)
$ lsbom -dls  /private/var/db/receipts/com.cmbchina.CMBSecurityPlugin.pkg.bom | (cd /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins; sudo xargs rm -r)

cd 路径,即第 3 步中的目录。

lsbom 的具体用法可以参考 lsbom --help

5. 最后清除包管理数据库中的pkg包信息
$ sudo pkgutil --forget PKGID


上面的都是一些基础的介绍,当然如今已经有现成的 app 可以使用,譬如 PackageUninstallerUninstallPKG,前者免费,后者收费。


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